I'm not sure what I would do without the happiness these little ones bring into my life. My brother is very ill and it is so sad to see him suffer and it breaks my heart what he and Pat have to go through. Thank God there are children in this world that can bring so much joy to us. I'm praying that the Lord will be with Bob and Pat and really comfort them while they have to deal with all the sadness that cancer brings.
Check out some of the happy times I get to enjoy as I watch my little grandchildren enjoy life.
Sydney is a very happy.... just not sure about what.

When they are together they always have fun.
Marshall doesn't look to happy, but just looking at him always brings a smile to my face.

Another picture in that silly hat.

When Marshall was little Mommy said this was true. He was up all night and slept all day.
I'm sure anyone would enjoy staying up with him all night. I would.
Dylann enjoying a very nice meal her parent made her.
Marshall is so happy to be enjoying food.

Dylann with some very pretty piggy tails.