I wanted to get this posted done much sooner, but do you realize just how hard it is to go through at least 3000 pictures of just Tayler. I don't know what we'll ever do with them, but in the future I think they will enjoy having them. I tried to do this post from the beginning of Talyer's birth until this year. Some ages I have more pictures than others, but now that it is almost 6PM I thought I'd better get this done....So here you go.
When Richie laid her in arms I had so much emotion going through me. It must be a grandparent thing because I felt it with all the babies.
Just before her first birthday.
She was a mover and she was always on the go.
She still is.
And she's having her first birthday.
I just realized that this can't be her 1st since she already had hair.
She certainly did have any in 2004
Mommy and Tayler opening gifts.
Don't you love her hat? Bells and All.
Tayler favorite place to take a break.

She was a mover and she was always on the go.
She still is.
I just realized that this can't be her 1st since she already had hair.
She certainly did have any in 2004

Don't you love her hat? Bells and All.

Off to the ER for her first set of stitches.
Helping her "Old Pappy" celebrate his 80th Birthday.
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