Yesterday I said I would try to post more pictures. If I'm going to have a blog I have to have pictures because I don't have a lot to say. We took Tayler and Sydney out to dinner and then to Tayler's soccer game. Before the game the girls wanted to play at the play ground so we did for a while. I have a few pictures of that and some other silly pictures. I'll explain as I go.

The game was over and I asked the girls to look at me so I could get a pictures
This one Sydney was at least forward but had Mommy's arm in front of her.

Tayler turned to smile at me while Sydney turned away on purpose

This was during the half time while Tayler was having a drink.
I had taken the next picture and she didn't like it so she made this face.
I love the dimples. I noticed them the day she was born.

Tired and needing a drink

Blurry but Tayler coming off the field.

Sydney enjoying a ride.

More of Syd

A push from Pappy

Tayler playing on a ride before the game.
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