I have many, many pictures of our Easter celebration. The girls looked so pretty in their Easter dresses and Marshall looked so sharp. The children loved their presents, even if some were clothes. They enjoyed looking for Easter eggs and of course checking out what was inside of them. When Marshall found an egg he wanted to stop and open it before moving on. The girls knew that the eggs just laying out in the open were for him, but I'm pretty sure they each had a few of those in their bags. The girls had a bit of a problem when they tried to reach eggs that were about five foot above them. Check out our Easter pictures and see our little ones as they celebrate Easter.
Dylann and Pappy having a talk

And Mommy joins them.

Marshall was sleeping when this pictures was taken.

Now the sleepy boy is awake

Pappy and Sydney
Bodie and Marshall join Daddy in the kitchen
Tayler and
Dylann wondering how they can sit beside each other.

Sydney loves her little cousin Marshall.
Tayler with her eyes closed along with Sydney and
Mommy helping Marshall find eggs.
Dylann looking for colored eggs.

Maybe there's one in the flower bed

I think that's a T-Ball Marshall, not an Easter egg.
Tayler is on the move

It looks like Sydney has a lot of eggs

I guess Sydney knew that was a T-ball and not an egg that she ran passed.

Uncle Matt and Sydney are checking out what's in the eggs.



A little bit of everyone.

So much candy

More of the same.

The girls were decorating cupcakes while Tayler enjoys a blue lolly pop.

Mommy and Marshall


Look what we got.
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