Now I will begin Dylann and Marshall's trip to the Outer Banks with Ryann's father's family. We get a big house when we are there, but we never use all the rooms or the kids get there own room. When this family goes they need all the space the can get. I think there number is somewhere around 23 with a few boyfriends (maybe?). I have tons of pictures and I have them in three post for right now. There will be more to follow because Ryann doesn't have them all downloaded herself. So we'll do what we can do. I'll let you figure out what you can and if needed I'll comment on it. I know you will enjoy them.

Ryann's dad and Jacki are in white T shirts as are her brother, sister in law and 3 boys. Matt, Ryann,
Dylann and Marshall in dark blue. Barry's sister's and their families are dressed in different colored shirts.

The kids with Ryann and her cousin.

The family on the beach.

Marshall checking out Dad's fishing pole.

Toby loved the beach and the water.
Bodie buried in the sand. Usually it's the kids in the sand

He looks tired.

Mommy and Marshall