I wish that I had the actual picture to go with this story, but I don't. All my girls are such cuties, but today's story is about Sydney and Pappy. After giving the girls baths early this evening and getting them into their jammies Sydney was sitting on Pappy's lap in their toy room. She was a little chilly so Pappy put a stocking cap on her head. He then lifted the ear flap up and whispered, "I love you Sydney". She then told Pappy to put a hat on too. He did and she lifted the flap on Pappy's ear and whisper in his ear, I love you Pappy. Doesn't that just melt your heart? I just love hearing such sweet stories about these precious little ones.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Just a few pictures from our visit to Dylann and Marshall's house last Tuesday. Most of these pictures are of Marshall. Dylann spent most of last Tuesday building and then living in her pillow house she had put together. It is often hard to get pictures of her and Sydney. They are both turning from me when I ask if I can take their picture. I think I'll have to start bribing.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
I was just looking through the pictures that I have taken, pictures the mom's sent to me or pictures that were down loaded onto my computer from their camera cards. I am having trouble remembering what I have posted or haven't posted. I looked through a lot of my old posts and I think I have come up with a few pictures of Erin and Ryann with their little ones. Forgive me if I have posted double, but I never get tired of looking at any of these lovey people and I know you enjoy looking at them too.
Dylann is such a creative little girl and has a wonderful imagination. Dylann and her Pappy can come up with some of the silliest games. Recently the animal "CHUPACABRA" came up on a Discovery show he had on. From then on Dylann and Pappy pretend there are Chupacabra living in the fireplace but they can't get out because there is a gate around the fire place. The babies make loud sound and the grown up Chupacabra makes baby sounds. The Chupacabra eats toes so you always keep you socks on and your ears covered. She has no idea what it really is but loves running around yelling the word Chupacabra. Her Daddy told Pappy last night that he learned three new things about the Chupacabra from Dylann. I wonder what they were. If you don't know what type of animal this is look it up. It's gross, but Dylann and Pappy have decided what they look like from their eyes, tongues, size and so on. Yesterday Dylann decided to build a fort to hide in so they could not get her with all the pillows she could find from all the living room furniture. Enjoy the pictures.
Just check out her hair. At times it was literally standing on end.
Dylann in her fort.
Bringing another pillow
Out pops her little head.
Maybe they were discussing their creature.
I think he thought he was going to take it from her and have some too.
They both have colds so it probably would not have mattered, but we are trying to clear up all this that has been going around.
They both have colds so it probably would not have mattered, but we are trying to clear up all this that has been going around.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
I had to name this post this because it's all about Marshall and it just seemed to go with it. No Marshall is nothing at all about madness, he is so cute and so much fun. I can't believe that he is 16 months old. He has developed his own personality and it is so sweet. When you hug Marshall he puts his arm around you and pats your back. Total sweetness. I love that he is getting older, but I don't want this time to pass by to quickly. We also enjoyed the day with Dylann and her post will come tomorrow.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Tayler and Sydney's Pappy Rich works for Norfolk Southern. Every year around Christmas time the girls and their cousins join their Nana Doris and Pappy Rich on a train ride with Santa. I promise that this will be my last post that has any thing to do with Christmas but these pictures are so cute and need to be shared on my blog.
The only thing going around our homes is cold, cold, weather and sickness. It seems all of the kids have had colds and the grown ups have followed in their path. Although I have had plenty of opportunity to take pictures I just haven't. I have found a few pictures that were not posted yet so I will use this and move on to taking pictures of my favorite people.
Sydney during her Christmas program
Saturday, January 22, 2011
I looked at my blog this morning and could not believe that it has been 5 days since I posted something. I had a busy day but I want to get something new on this blog. Here a few pictures of some cute little ones.

Dylann loves her Daddy
Monday, January 17, 2011
Although it's been cold outside Dylann and Marshall decided to go on a tractor ride. Marshall likes riding in the little wagon while Dylann drives him around.
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