Last week I said I was done with Christmas and that would be the end of the Christmas pictures. I should never have said that because I knew that Ryann had pictures too. Well guess what? I have Christmas Day pictures of Dylann and Marshall. We will begin with their new Christmas outfits and then move on to opening gifts. The best part of Christmas for little ones. And this will be my very last post that hast any thing to do with Christmas this year.

A gift from Nana & Pappy.
I think Dylann will spend hours here painting and coloring and Marshall will enjoy it too, once he is a little older. That may not be to long. He knows how to open the marker and color
on the magnetic board or put letters on the board.
Stocking gifts are always the best.
maybe it is glue, sprinkles or something else that was on the table.
She is going to have a blast playing here.

on the magnetic board or put letters on the board.

When Santa visited her house on the 18th so all the boys and girls could tell him what they wanted Dylann told him she wanted an easel. Santa misunderstood what she said and asked her if she really wanted an eagle. We were hoping Santa wouldn't bring her an eagle.
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