Over the river and through the woods, not the way we would travel to Old Pappy and Great Grandma's house, but we did get there. We took two different trips so all of children would be able to visit with them over Christmas. Dylann and Marshall were the first to visit. I wanted to get so many pictures and thought that we would have lots of time. I should have checked my battery and should have had extras with me. No such luck. Even if I don't have many pictures of their visit they had a wonderful time playing and I know Old Pappy and Grandma loved just watching them.
Tayler and Sydney visiting with Old Pappy
She is followed by her little sister, Sydney.
Dylann is our third little girl and
is the big sister to their 1st great grandson.
I always wonder what people think of us calling their Great Grandfather, "Old Pappy".
When Tayler was just beginning to talk in sentences she noticed her Pappy and his dad looked a lot alike. She said to Pappy, "you are my Pappy and he is our Old Pappy. That has stuck and that's what the four great grandchildren call him. He loves it, but I did put my foot down and said that we could not call Grand Grandma "Old Grandma".
Notice his little shirt has a number 4 on it.
We really wanted to get a picture of him and Old Pappy.
Old Pappy's middle name is Grant and Ron and Matt's middle names are Grant.
Marshall is the 4th Grant
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