These pictures are very similar to the ones I took on Christmas Eve. They were taken by Erin's camera and she took them. It's always interesting to see how two different people taking the same pictures can each come up with a different look. Once again we didn't get any pictures of Marshall. He must have been hanging out with his Daddy and Pappy watching football.

Our three happy girls celebrate Christmas.

Sydney with her first American Girl doll who is named Julie.
Mommy wondered who picked her out since she looked like a hippy girl.

Tayler checking out one of her presents.

Sydney looking up from one of her presents
just to get her pictures taken.
Something she does not enjoy. She usually hides her face.
Little stinker!!!

Polly Pockets for Sydney

Tayler knows good things come in small packages.
More Polly Pockets

Tayler with a few of her presents.

Tayler with her baton...The only gift she wanted.
Tayler and Sydney begin baton lessons tomorrow evening.

We are done eating.
Can we open presents yet?

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